The Skeld All Common Tasks. There are only a few specific tasks that are considered as Common Tasks and they differ for each map. The number of tasks that need to be completed can be.
But when the ship gets sabotaged everyone can fix it even impostors. There are a total of fourteen tasks on Skeld including three visual tasks. If you dont then nobody else in the group does.
15 rows Oct 03 2020 Common tasks are given to every single Crewmate.
Five of those tasks are visual which means you can use that task to prove your innocence to other players. Sometimes imposters will try to fake common tasks that simply isnt available to anyone. Sep 22 2020 Socials Twitter - OnLyHypnoticTwitch - OnLyHypnoticTiktok - OnLyHypnotic8Instagram - OnLyHypnoticYoutube - OnLyHypnoticAll the Common Tasks. But when the ship gets sabotaged everyone can fix it even impostors.