Rip Off Version Of Among Us. I dont play them since I could just play the real game but I dont hate them since some people cant play the actual game so they just have to go to roblox _. Also coming soon to Steam is the more creatively-named Impostor Inside Us.
Would recommend it for time pass though. But among us has much better mechanics. Be careful because one or more random players on the team will be tricky and try to kill everyone.
Nov 04 2020 Among Us Rip-off version Werewolf Among Us game tops the chart on App Store in China A clone of the popular US game Among Us is the talk of the town in China.
Did this during Study Hall so dont mind the noise. If you want me to remove this off the site. A place to post the most midly infuriating things. Nov 04 2020 Among Us Rip-off version Werewolf Among Us game tops the chart on App Store in China A clone of the popular US game Among Us is the talk of the town in China.