Number Of Characters In Textarea. However several browsers eg. Internet Explorer and Opera violate the above-cited principle on line length.
To limit the number of characters entered in a textarea use the maxlength attribute. The element is often used in a form to collect user inputs like comments or reviews. The sample codes includes an example of how to use the plug-in with ASPNET web forms HTML and MVC 3 pages.
The text may not exceed the visible size of the textarea limited by the attributes cols and rows or the given number of characters maxChars 120.
The value if the attribute is in number. W 3 s c h o o l s C E R T I F I E D. You can use this jQuery plug-in limit_textarea to limit and count the number of characters in the TextArea or TextBox with multiline text mode on client-side only. The tag defines a multi-line text input control.