How Long Is Us Social Security Number Valid. Department of Treasury ie. A Social Security number SSN is issued to track earnings over a workers lifetime.
ObtainingReclaiming your Social Security Number SSN - Over time the US Social Security Number SSN has evolved from merely the number of your account for retirement savings to something akin to a single national identification number that follows you throughout your US administrative life. Dependents in F-2 status are not eligible for a Social Security number. The Social Security Administration issues citizens and permanent residents of the United States a Social Security number.
Your Social Security number or SSN for short is a nine-digit unique identifier that is used for several purposes.
Or need a number because of a federal law requiring a Social Security number to get a benefit or service. There are no issued area numbers 000 666 or above 772. Social Security Number Validation Rules. Dependents in F-2 status are not eligible for a Social Security number.